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Blog Articles

4 Tips to Relieve Congestion From a Sinus Infection

Whether you’re prone to sinus infections or this is your first one, you want relief from the pain and stuffiness. Follow these four tips at home to relieve congestion so you can breathe freely again.
Feb 13th, 2025
How Watching What You Eat Can Help Control Eczema

How Watching What You Eat Can Help Control Eczema

Can you really eat for eczema? Or, more precisely, eat to eradicate eczema? You may be able to dampen your eczema flare-ups by making simple dietary choices. Here’s what to put on your plate … and what to avoid.
Dec 9th, 2024
Can Kids Outgrow Asthma?

Can Kids Outgrow Asthma?

When your kid is diagnosed with asthma, you hope it’s just a childhood disease that they’ll grow out of, like chronic earaches. But your child’s airways aren’t like their eustachian tubes in their ears; they don’t get stronger or longer with age.
Nov 13th, 2024

When to Worry About a Persistent Cough

Ragweed is rampant. COVID is surging again. And you have a cough that just won’t go away. Is it just the residue of a cold? Could you have allergies? Or did you contract COVID or something else? Here’s when to see your doctor for a persistent cough.
Oct 18th, 2024
5 Common Food Allergies in Young Children

5 Common Food Allergies in Young Children

Food allergies are increasingly common, especially in young children. Unlike a food sensitivity that leads to stomach upset or bowel distress, a food allergy provokes an immune-system response that could be dangerous and life-threatening.
Sep 5th, 2024
Why Do I Keep Getting Hives in the Summer?

Why Do I Keep Getting Hives in the Summer?

While everyone else sheds layers to enjoy their time in the summer sun, you feel like covering up. Your face and body are marred by inflamed, raised hives that itch and cause fatigue. Why do you break out in hives as soon as the weather’s nice?
Aug 13th, 2024
How to Allergy-Proof Your Home

How to Allergy-Proof Your Home

If you have allergies, you may already curtail your outdoor activities when the pollen count is high. But did you know that indoor air may be just as triggering as outdoor air? Here’s how to make your home allergy-proof.
May 3rd, 2024
Will I Always Have Eczema?

Will I Always Have Eczema?

When you have eczema, you may wonder if there’s a potion or pill that can make the itchy, flaky, irritated skin patches go away. Although you probably have it for life, you can take steps to manage eczema outbreaks and prevent new ones.
Mar 5th, 2024
Here's When to See a Doctor About Your Cough

Here's When to See a Doctor About Your Cough

Your body coughs to rid itself of smoke, irritants, and pathogens. A cough is part of your body’s protective armor. But COVID raised awareness of coughs and what they might mean. If you start to cough, when do you see a doctor?
Feb 7th, 2024
Do Hives Go Away on Their Own?

Do Hives Go Away on Their Own?

When you break out in hives, you may wonder if they’re ever going to go away. You’re itchy, maybe tired, and you’re not sure why you got them in the first place. Must you go to the doctor, or will they resolve on their own?
Jan 12th, 2024
The Link Between Your Earache and Your Sinuses

The Link Between Your Earache and Your Sinuses

Your ear hurts, but you might not have a problem or an infection in your ear at all. Instead, your difficulty may have originated in your sinuses. Chronic sinus infections can create a range of painful symptoms, and an earache is just one of them.
Dec 3rd, 2023
3 Key Components of Every Asthma Action Plan

3 Key Components of Every Asthma Action Plan

Anyone with asthma needs an asthma action plan. It takes the guesswork out of what to do when asthma symptoms arise or worsen and when you need help. It's a handy reminder for your own use, and if your child has asthma, their caregivers need it, too.
Nov 2nd, 2023
4 Risk Factors for Chronic Sinus Infections

4 Risk Factors for Chronic Sinus Infections

One sinus infection is bad enough. But when you have multiple sinus infections throughout the year, or infections that last for months at a time, you have chronic sinusitis. Why do some people develop chronic sinus infections? Find out more here.
Oct 3rd, 2023
What's Causing My Eczema? 10 Common Triggers

What's Causing My Eczema? 10 Common Triggers

Eczema is an inflammatory skin condition that creates itchy and embarrassing skin lesions. While you may have a genetic tendency toward developing eczema, you can learn to manage your flares once you identify your triggers. Here are some common ones.
Aug 7th, 2023
What Causes Asthma?

What Causes Asthma?

When you have asthma, you may wonder why most people get to take full, deep breaths without fear or worry, but you sometimes suffer attacks that leave you breathless. What causes your asthma, and how do you treat it? Find out here.
Jul 14th, 2023
5 Tips for Beating Allergy Attacks

5 Tips for Beating Allergy Attacks

Allergy attacks can knock you out and make your spring and summer a misery. But with a little planning, care, and help, you can minimize your risk of an allergy attack. Are you ready to face your allergies head on? Here’s how to beat them.
Jun 8th, 2023

How to Tell If Your Cough Requires a Visit to Your Provider

COVID-19 made people hyperaware of coughs. If you’ve been coughing constantly for days, weeks, or months, you may wonder if you have long COVID or another condition that requires medical care. Here’s when a cough needs attention.
May 24th, 2023
5 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives

5 Ways to Treat Your Chronic Hives

Even though most cases of chronic hives can’t be traced to a specific trigger or cause, there are plenty of ways to attain real, long-lasting relief. Learn five effective ways to get recurrent hive flare-ups under control.
Apr 14th, 2023
How Do You Prevent Swimmer's Sinusitis?

How Do You Prevent Swimmer's Sinusitis?

Water fun can sometimes lead to unwanted consequences, including swimmer’s ear and swimmer’s sinusitis. How do you keep your sinuses safe while you swim? Read on for our top tips.
Jul 15th, 2024